Danielle Campbell, born in Portland, Oregon, is a fifteen-year-old actress who discovered her passion for acting at the young age of ten, after being reportedly spotted by an agent at a hair salon, when she appeared in various national commercials and landed her first big break as a guest star on "Prison Break" as Gracey Hollander for four episodes. In her first leading television movie role, Campbell starred as Jessica Olson, a down-to-earth Midwestern girl who unintentionally falls for a celebrity pop star, Christopher Wilde (Sterling Knight), in the DCOM "StarStruck".
Danielle Campbell resides in Chicago (2010) with her parents (John and Georganne), her younger brother (Johnny), and her three dogs (Coda, Brody, and Duke). However, she does fly back and forth between Los Angeles for auditions. In her spare time, Miss Campbell enjoys working with various charities involving children and animals, singing, dancing, baking, horseback riding, and snowboarding. She is a freshman at Hinsdale Central (2010). Despite the fact that "StarStruck" gave Campbell her big break, she plans to continue high school and commute to the Coast. According to her mother, she's very well grounded and does have her fair share of chores.
Danielle Campbell resides in Chicago (2010) with her parents (John and Georganne), her younger brother (Johnny), and her three dogs (Coda, Brody, and Duke). However, she does fly back and forth between Los Angeles for auditions. In her spare time, Miss Campbell enjoys working with various charities involving children and animals, singing, dancing, baking, horseback riding, and snowboarding. She is a freshman at Hinsdale Central (2010). Despite the fact that "StarStruck" gave Campbell her big break, she plans to continue high school and commute to the Coast. According to her mother, she's very well grounded and does have her fair share of chores.
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